miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
Publicado por Mireia solet en 21:25
Click on the Photo. Go to this page, click on vocabulary and then in the exercice of "Prepositions- Where is it?"
Publicado por Mireia solet en 19:32
martes, 19 de mayo de 2009
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
British holidays!!
0 comentariosClick on this link and look the calendar of british holidays. Then choose one and look for some information in google! Good luck!
Publicado por Mireia solet en 16:34
Oxford City
0 comentariosOxford is situated in Oxfordshire, England. It has a population of 134,248 according to the 2001 census. It is most famous for the Oxford University, which is the oldest in the world. It was first occupied as a city in Saxon times and was called Oxanforda and was raided by the Danes on many occasions. At the turn of the 20th century Oxford experienced rapid industrial and population growth. The 1920s saw well established printing and publishing industries.Roger Bannister broke the four minute mile at the Iffey Road college track in Oxford in May 1954. Modern day Oxford is an industrial city, concerned with production of cars.
Now find some images about Oxford city and explain them.
Publicado por Mireia solet en 16:31
martes, 5 de mayo de 2009
Publicado por Mireia solet en 22:06
0 comentariosManchester is situated in the North west of England. It had a 2002 population of 422,302. The city was also voted England’s second city in 2004, ahead of Birmingham for the first time. Manchester was settled upon in Roman times where a general called Agricola set up a fort called Mamucium, meaning “breast shaped hill”. It has a huge history in cotton production, dating from when the lemish weavers settled here in the 14th century to the Industrial revolution.
Publicado por Mireia solet en 21:40
Who are the british?
0 comentariosHow are british people?Are very different of us? Look at this page and read the initial text about british and try to do the same of spanish.
Publicado por Mireia solet en 21:28